910-911-914-915 Fanuc RAM Parity Alarm
If the control generates a RAM parity error (910, 911, 914, 915, etc.), the memory will have to be cleared. To perform a memory clear, hold down the [RESET] and [DELETE] keys while powering up the machine. Hold the keys down at least until the software version of the machine appears in large letters on the screen. The machine should now come up with many errors. Now you can reload ALL of your parameters using either RS-232 or a SRAM card. See below for the procedure for both methods.
16/18/21 Control RS-232 File Loading Procedure
Step 1
Select the [OFFSET/SETTINGS] until PWE (parameter write enable) appears on the screen. Press [1] and [input] to turn on PWE.
Step 2
Select the [SYSTEM] key to get to the parameter screen. If the parameters are not visible, select the [PARAM] soft key.
Step 3
Type in the number “9921” and then press the [NO SCH] soft key. Parameter “9921” should now appear. Turn on bit #6 of this parameter by typing in “01000000” and then [INPUT].
Step 4
If bit #6 is now on, press the [OPRT] soft key followed by the [ >] soft key.
Step 5
The READ and PUNCH functions should now appear.
Step 6
Make sure the laptop computer is properly connected to the RS-232 port.
Step 7
Press the [READ] soft key followed by the [EXEC] soft key. The control should now be flashing “LSK” at the bottom of the screen.
Step 8
Start the communication program on the laptop if it is not already running. Call up the appropriate file by pressing the [PAGE UP] key followed by the [7] key. Type in the correct drive and file name, and then press [ENTER]. The control should now be flashing “INPUT” at the bottom of the screen.
Step 9
After loading is complete, you will be prompted to power down the machine and power up again. Turn off PWE and load your program.
16/18/21 Control SRAM Card File Loading Procedure
Step 1
With the machine off, install the flash memory card into the slot on the front of the control.
Step 2
Hold down the far right two soft keys while powering up. The system BOOT screen should appear. This screen can only be manipulated with the soft keys.
Step 3
To load the SRAM file, cursor down to the SRAM DATA BACKUP selection. Press [SELECT]. Under the next screen, be sure to highlight the second option (RESTORE SRAM). Press the [SELECT] soft key, and then press the [YES] soft key.
Step 4
When the control is finished, it will prompt you to press the [SELECT] key. Use the cursor keys to highlight [END] and press [SELECT] again. This should get you back to the original menu. Cursor down to [END] and press [SELECT] and then [YES].
Step 5
The control should now boot with the parameters and programs restored.
If the ladder program needs to be loaded, it is done in the same manner except [SYSTEM DATA LOADING] is selected from the boot screen menu. If the file is on the flash memory card, select the PMC-RB file from the available selection. The exit procedure is the same.
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