How to Adjust the Screen on a A61L-0001-0090 or A61L-0001-0095 LCD Screen

How to Adjust the Screen on a A61L-0001-0090 or A61L-0001-0095 LCD Screen

Step 1

Press the “OK” button to bring up the on menu screen.

Step 2

Use the DOWN ARROW button to get to MODE, then press the “OK” button.

Step 3

Use the UP ARROW button to get to SETTING (at the top of the on screen   menu), then press the “OK” button.

Step 4

Hit the “OK” button to make the word SETTING turn yellow. This allows you to access and adjust HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL size and positioning.

Step 5

Select the needed adjustment (listed below) and hit “OK”.

  • H POSITION will shift screen left and right.
  • V POSITION will shift the screen up and down.
  • H FREQUENCY to expand or collapse horizontally.
  • V FREQUENCY to expand or collapse vertically.

Then use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to adjust size.  When finished, hit “OK” and go to your next needed adjustment.

Step 6

After making the needed adjustments, be sure to use the UP ARROW key to go to SAVE CURRENT SETTINGS and press the “OK” button.

Step 7

You are now done and can select the ESC key to exit the menu.

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